Awaken Your Inner Strength: Spiritual Fitness Coaching

In an age dominated by the pursuit of physical health and mental well-being, there is a crucial aspect of our lives that often goes unnoticed – our spiritual fitness. Just as our bodies require regular exercise and our minds seek knowledge and stimulation, our souls too crave nourishment and strengthening. This is where the role of a Spiritual Fitness Coach becomes pivotal.

What is Spiritual Fitness?

Spiritual fitness is not about adhering to a particular religion or following a set doctrine. Rather, it encompasses the broader idea of aligning with our innermost values, understanding our purpose in life, and forming a deep connection with the universe and ourselves. It s about feeling grounded, balanced, and in tune with our inner selves.

A person w…

Scientists Debate Climate Change Impacts on Tropical Diseases

RIO DE JANEIRO, Sep 28 2012 (IPS) – More intense rainfall, rising temperatures and climate-driven migration of human and animal populations due to repeated drought all affect the spread of tropical diseases. These changes, already the focus of study by climatologists, are now also a challenge increasingly taken up by health experts and officials.

The impact of climate change on human health generated debate among the experts attending the 18th International Congress on Tropical Medicine and Malaria, held Sept. 23-27 in Rio de Janeiro.

On one side of the debate stands researcher Ulisses Confalonieri, of Brazil’s state-run Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), who argues that the press often oversimplifies a very complex issue.

Empowering Women in Organic Value Chains

Oct 5 2020 – As COVID-19 shapes and re-shapes the “new normal” in the Pacific, organic food and products will be a key to community adaptation and resiliency in the region’s economies and livelihoods, with the opportunity to advance a more inclusive gender and people centred approach.

The POETCom initiative, under the SPC’s Land Resources Division, has recognized this by taking the next step in its Building Prosperity for Women Producers, Processors, and Women Owned Businesses through Organic Value Chains (BPWP) project, a collaboration with the Australian Government. The project seeks to empower women for greater access to sustainable livelihoods t…